Thursday, January 15, 2009

In the mix with Oakland Magazine

Magnolia Editions was featured in the December 2008 issue of Oakland Magazine:

Farnsworth has beaten the odds on many a creative challenge. He just hopes he can do the same with the city of Oakland. With warehouse areas that support artists like him under siege by developers, he speaks out whenever he can to keep projects like his alive and viable. “What makes Paris interesting?” he asks. “What makes any city interesting? It’s not the chain stores and the strip malls. All the cities one loves—cities with soul and charisma—recognize and support the artists and craftspeople in their midst."

Check out the full article at their website.


bestchainsaw said...

I really enjoyed reading your blog post about your time in Oakland Magazine. It was really interesting to read about your experience with the magazine and how you had to beat the odds to do well. I'm a big fan of Magnolia Editions and it was really cool to see that you were one of the people interviewed for the article. How to Straighten Chainsaw Bar!

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